Notice the fine lines, precision and craftsmanship.
It was a seemingly simple task that even 3 year olds around me appeared to be mastering. They give you pre cut particle board pieces, some nails, a hammer, mirrors, a colorful wheel, and EASY, ya EASY directions on how to assemble it all. What the directions should have said was this..."Here are some ridiculously small nails and some very flimsy particle board that splits even if you think about hammering it...go ahead and put it all together while listening to 25 other kids hammering away in the back ground but don't lose your concentration." The only thing I had going for me was I wasn't hungover...I couldn't have taken the hammering or ridiculous number of kids for that matter. (Yes, I've done things with my children hung over before...shocker. But that's a story for another day).
I'm thankful I had a friend with me who figured hers out, even though hers ended up "painted" with blood that we never figured out where it came from. I try to be a silver lining type of person where possible so I tried to turn it around and figured it was a perfect time to reflect and ask myself "WWJD?" Being he was a carpenter and all, there was no reason he couldn't help me out. But whatever, we figured it out.
I did my part, the kaleidoscope works, and I got to spend some time with my sweet girl Madison. In the end it is really an opportunity for her to practice using extra caution and pay attention to her surroundings when playing with her toys since she has to be careful of the nail coming through the wood on the end she looks in. When Madison is tired of playing with it I'm thinking about auctioning it off to struggling optometrists who are in need of new patients.
The important question now is do I label it "Made in the USA" or "Made in Mexico? Madison did help a little, I don't want to steal her thunder....completely.