Monday, October 4, 2010

Captive Babies

Today has definitely been one of those days. The only real reason I'm writing this is to try to get my mind off of the torture chamber like noises coming from my nine month old captives upstairs. I'm apparently holding them hostage in their cribs, or at least that's how they view it. Apparently 9 month olds are too cool to nap, or so they are trying to convince me of that today.

So here I am giving them tough love, making them stay in their cribs, staring at the video monitor that I have a love/hate relationship with. Yes it is nice to see what my prisoners are up to and ensure they aren't plotting against me, but other times I think I'd be better off just thinking if it's quiet, they are asleep. We have two cameras, one on each crib, and I usually keep the monitor on scan between each camera. So I lay the girls down for their naps, listen to their loud protests, and go about my business. Just when it is quiet in there and I think the coast is clear (thank you Scooby Doo for making me talk this way) I look in the monitor and usually it goes like this: Camera 1....sleeping baby....seemingly long pause as the camera scans and I finish my "Please let the other baby be sleeping" prayer.....Camera in corner sitting up trying to whittle or do some other thing with her hands at the same time she is trying to do the Cupid Shuffle while sitting down. So close!!! Ahhh the life of living with more than one baby! Who knows, one day maybe I'll go get them from their nap and one will have made a tiny ship in a bottle or come up with a new dance we can all do drunk at wedding receptions. Because yes, I drink.

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